Красивый плеер для ucoz на тему Counter-Strike.
<embed src="http://wallaby.ucoz.ru/js/counter-strike.swf" menu="false" quality="high" width="151" height="70" name="poqbum-dot-com" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" flashvars="playlist=http://wallaby.ucoz.ru/js/chlist.xg" wmode="transparent">
Песни что находятся в плейлисте
HormonE - Black
Counter-Strike - Catch a Bullet
Counter-Strike - Defuse Kit
Counter-Strike (Half-Life mod)
[TLB]SindBad - Oops... I Shot You Again
Counter-Strike - techno bloodangel
Counter-Strike - Snipers Nest
Counter-Strike - Dancee
Mega Gluck - The Counter Strike [Ver.2]
HormonE - Counter Strike Breaks (Go Go)
CounterStrike - SWAT or elite of CS
Rubbish - Serious Damage Bringers(Counter - Strike Edition)
Counter-Strike - Skills
Counter-Strike - CS RAP
Eagle CS Remix
Counter-Strike - Protect The VIP
Counter-Strike - Rock
Counter-Strike - Lock n load
Counter-Strike - CS Song
[TLB]SindBad - Camper One More Time
Counter-Strike - Techno
Counter-Strike - The Sounds of CS
Dj Dilex - Game Counter-Strike
Cheats ( Читер )